Examples of nouns:
- doctor
- teacher
- pupil
- shark
- hen
- parrot
- hibiscus
- sugar cane
- sunflower
- computer
- clock
- carpet
- bathroom
- clinic
- classroom
Singular nouns and plural nouns:
- A singular noun shows only one person, place, object, plant, or animal.
- Examples: Girl,rose, desk
- A plural noun shows more than one person, place, object, plant, or animal.
Examples: Girls,roses, desks
Forming plural nouns:
- By adding 's' to singular nouns
Example: pen - pens - By adding 's' to nous ending in 'o'
Example: radio - radios - By adding 's' to nous ending in 'y' with a vowel before the 'y'
Example: monkey - monkeys - By adding 'es' to nous ending in 'o' with consonant before the 'o'
Example: Mosquito - mosquitoes
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