Saturday, 30 July 2011


Examples of nouns:

  • doctor
  • teacher
  • pupil
  • shark
  • hen 
  • parrot
  • hibiscus
  • sugar cane
  • sunflower
  • computer
  • clock
  • carpet
  • bathroom
  • clinic
  • classroom

Singular nouns and plural nouns:

  •  A singular noun shows only one person, place, object, plant, or animal. 
  • Examples: Girl,rose, desk
  • A plural noun shows more than one person, place, object, plant, or animal.
    Examples: Girls,roses, desks

Forming plural nouns:
  • By adding 's' to singular nouns
    Example: pen - pens
  • By adding 's' to nous ending in 'o'
    Example: radio - radios
  • By adding 's' to nous ending in 'y' with a vowel before the 'y'
    Example: monkey - monkeys
  • By adding 'es' to nous ending in 'o' with consonant before the 'o'
    Example: Mosquito - mosquitoes

Wednesday, 27 July 2011


1. A-used before words that begin with consonant sounds
  • A lion
  • A bulldozer
  • A girl
  • A lawyer
2. AN-used before words that begin with vowel sounds
  • An umbrella
  • An eraser
  • An eagle
  • An orange
       -Also used before words that begin with silent 'h'
  • An honest person
  • An hour
3.  THE-used for nouns that are only one of the kind.
  • The sun 
  • The universe
  • The moon
  • The earth
       -Also used when speaking of a person, place or thing that has already been mentioned or known
  • The boy lives in Petaling Jaya
  • The blue shirt is mine
        -Also used for superlatives (words with 'est' or most)
  • He is the smartest of all
  • That is the most expensive.

Note: Article 'An' is NOT used before these words - uniform, university (because they do not have vowel sounds). instead, article 'A' is used.

Sunday, 24 July 2011

WH-Questions and Responses.

1.What -used to ask about people, names animals and things.
  • What is your name?
  • My name is Ahmad Faizal.
2.Where-used to ask about places and locations
  • Where does Jerry live?
  • He lives in Kuala Lumpur.
3.When-used to ask about time
  • When is your birthday?
  • My birthday is on the 4th of April.
4.Why-used to ask for a reason
  • Why is the baby crying?
  • The baby is crying because she is hungry.
5.Who-used to ask about people
  • Who is that child?
  • That child is Mr Lin's daughter.
6.Which-used to ask about choices of peoples, objects or animals
  • Which is your favourite bird?
  • My favourite bird is the parrot.
7.How-used in ask questions that ask about people,animals or object or the way things are done.
  • How do you get good marks in your tests?
  • I revise my lessons everyday.

Sunday, 17 July 2011

the golden watch

as the saying goes,  time is gold.

Saturday, 9 July 2011

English is fun=)

When we speak and write English,we use many kind of words.For example,we used some words to give:

1. Name of a thing,a person,an animal,etc.Such as pencil,boy,girl,dog and cat.
2.To tell people action and what people do such as play,walk,talk,etc.
3.To tell how people do some things such as slowly,quickly,loudly,clearly,etc.
4.To describe in more details about the things such as the colour and what they looks like.

In English,words are divided into eight different kinds or classes.These eight different classes of words are called Parts of Speech.It is divided according to:

1.Noun.A noun is a name.For example,pen,boy,Malaysia,Ali.

2.Pronoun.A pronoun is a word used for or instead of a Noun.Such as He for Ali,She for Maria and It for a cat.

3.Adjective.An adjective is a word which tells something more about the Noun as black pen,good boy, fat cat,etc.

4.Verb.A verb is a "telling-word" or a "saying-word".It tells or says what a things or a person does as He walks,She Cries,It runs.The verb is the most important word in the sentence.

5.Adverb.An adverb is a word which tells something more about a verb as He speaks loudly,She cries continuously,etc.

6.Preposition.A preposition is a word which joins Nouns and Pronoun to other words as She is on the room,The cat is under the table,etc.

7.Conjunction.A conjunction is a word used to join word or a groups of words together.For example,He is good but you are better.

8.Interjection.Interjection is only a cry.For example,Oh!Hello!

Our friendship will last forever..

Everyone deserves happiness=)

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